Latest news 23-02-2025

  • The next show is on 5th April 2025.
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  • Promoting excellence in the care and breeding of fancy rats
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    Show rules

    1. All animals entering the show venue must be submitted for a health inspection prior to showing, on request.
      i) The society will designate suitably knowledgeable persons to this duty.
      ii) Rats found to have active infestations or obvious signs of ill health will be disqualified from showing.
      iii) Rats failing the health inspection may either be refused entry to the venue by the Show Secretary, or kept in a designated safe area. Rats kept in the safe area remain the responsibility of their owners.
      iv) No rat under the age of six weeks will be accepted into the venue, unless in exceptional circumstances, where agreed by the committee prior to the show.
      v) Animals of species other than rats may also be health checked, and refused entry under the same criteria. No animals of any species under “homing” age will be accepted into the venue. A list of agreed ages for a variety of species is available from the show secretary.
      vi) The show secretary's decision on these matters is final.

    2. Animals other than rats are permitted into the venue only where prior approval from the Show
      Secretary has been given.
      i) Cats, ferrets, reptiles, and birds are to be specifically excluded.
      ii) Where classes for animals other than rats are offered, classes are open to small mammals and
      iii) Permission from the Show Secretary must be sought whether the animal is to be entered in the show or brought purely for display purposes.

    3. Dogs are permitted into the venue only where prior approval from the Show Secretary has been
      given and where the venue in use allows it.
      i) Dogs must be kept leashed or crated in an area away from rats.
      ii) Leashed dogs must not be left unsupervised.
      iii) Dogs creating a disturbance or acting in a way that worries other animals present must be
      removed from the hall on request of the Show Secretary.

    4. Rat exchanges are allowed within the show venue where the Show Secretary has been informed
      prior to the date of the show.
      i) Rats to be exchanged must be submitted for routine health inspection to the Show Secretary on entering the venue.
      ii) The person with whom the rat originates [breeder, rescue, owner – henceforth referred to as the seller] is responsible for informing the Show Secretary of the exchange. Details of the person with whom the rat will leave the show must be given, and if this is a courier the name and details of the final destination [henceforth referred to as the buyer] must be provided.
      iii) The seller must provide the buyer and the Show Secretary with their name and telephone number as a point of contact, and a date of birth (where known) for the rat. Wherever possible details of a family tree should be given, and for rescues a brief history if known. Any known health or temperament issues must be disclosed.
      iv) Exchanges of other species of animal will be allowed at the Show Secretary's discretion providing permission has been sought prior to the day of the show and points i, ii, and iii above will apply.

    5. The committee has the right to refuse any animal entrance to the show hall.

    6. All animals exhibited must be of the appropriate age:
      i) Any kitten class will be open to rats aged from eight weeks to twelve weeks and six days on the day of the show.
      ii) Any adult class will be open to rats aged thirteen weeks and over on the day of the show.
      iii) Any class not split by age of exhibit will only be open to rats aged over eight weeks on the day of the show.

    7. Show entries must reach the Show Secretary before the deadline as published in Rattitude. Show
      entries received after the deadline can be accepted at the discretion of the Show Secretary, but will be subjected to higher entry fees.

    8. All rats entering the show hall, whether entered for the show, pre-booked, or there for other reasons (e.g. shoulder rats) must be health checked.

    9. Only one rat should be exhibited per show tank. Permission for two rats of distinct varieties or colours, and of the same sex (but not adult bucks), may be given by the Show Secretary at the time of entry.

    10. All rats must be exhibited in tanks similar in size and shape to the Ferplast Geo XL. For a list of suitable tanks, or to clarify a tank's suitability please contact the Show Secretary.

    11. Rats can be shown on any litter/bedding provided it is safe and clean. The society suggests such
      beddings as paper-based litter or shredded card, with additional shredded paper for kittens, but any other suitable bedding is acceptable.

    12. All rats must have access to a small amount of moist food during the whole show.
      i) Cucumber, melon, or apple are suggested by the society, but any other moist fruit or vegetable suitable for rats is acceptable.
      ii) Any water bottles and food bowls must be removed from show tanks before the start of judging and not replaced until judging has been completed unless the Show Secretary announces otherwise.

    13. The awarding of class placements is at the judge's discretion.
      i) First placings can be withheld if the rat is not to standard.
      ii) Rosettes can be withheld if no first placing is awarded.

    14. No smoking will be allowed inside the venue.
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